Today the country woke up to news on the death of a Pakistan national Arshad Sharif who was working as an investigative journalist. The journalist was killed at a roadblock by the Kenyan police which they say was a case of mistaken identity.

Who is Arshad Sharif

Arshad Sharif is a Pakistani journalist who specializes in investigative journalism work. He is said to have been in exile in Kenya where he was hiding from potential life threats. These threats were emanating from the ongoing investigations he was doing.

Sharif, who was 50 years of age was in the process of conducting investigations into corruption allegations by the government and military back home.

At the time of his death, he was in the company of his brother Khurram Ahmed

Kenya police report on Sharif’s death

The Kenya police have made a communication detailing what happened leading to Sharif’s death. It is alleged that the two occupants were driving along the Magadi road when they got to a roadblock and refused to stop.

In the report, Shariff and his brother were using a car that looked identical to another case they were following. The case was on a kidnapping that had happened in Pangani.

Upon refusal to stop at the roadblock, the police opened fire immediately killing Sharif. The status of the brother is not clear yet.

Pakistan government’s reaction on Sharif’s death

The Pakistan prime minister and a senior government official have reacted to Sharif’s death. They are requesting for thorough investigations into his death.

Prime minister Sharif made a statement through his Twitter account stating that he had spoken to the President of Kenya William Ruto. Who gave him assurance there will be open and thorough investigations

Kenyan Government’s reaction on Sharif’s death

The Kenyan government through the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) has also made a statement on his death. IPOA says they have received the report on Sharif’s death and will be commencing investigations immediately.

IPOA is the body that investigates police conduct in the line of duty such as this case.

Controversies surrounding Sharif’s death

There have been voices of concern both in Kenya and Pakistan regarding how Sharif met his death. Speculation going around says that this could be a case of assassination based on the investigation work he was doing.

Others are also pointing fingers at the potential of this death being another case of extra-judicial killing by the police in Kenya. However, it is a case of wait-and-see on how these investigations will conclude.


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